“I was able to find the voice, words and strength. Without her support, I wouldn’t have been able to cope. I had always been perceived as a confident person, but simple things like standing up in front of work colleagues to speak would completely overwhelm me. A friend asked me to do a reading at her wedding, which I knew I would find impossible. I approached Jessica. What happened was simply amazing. I have never experienced anything like it before. Immediately, I felt calmer and more relaxed. She hadn’t cured me with some spell, but enabled me to view things differently and approach moments of anxiety better equipped. Thanks to our session and the mp3s, I was able to do the reading – Weeks later, I was thrown into a global media storm after an incident while shopping in a local supermarket. I needed to do live radio and tv interviews and even a speech in front of hundreds during a demonstration. I would recommend everyone, no matter what your emotional challenges are, to spend some time with this talented woman.