Khami MacDonald┃Physiotherapist

“This year I decided to take the plunge and start sorting out some bad habits. Too much booze and wanting to deal with anxiety and weight loss. I approached Jessica via email, she asked lots of great questions before letting me know if she felt she could help. I have undertaken four sessions with Jessica which have all been fantastic. She is great at marrying the hypnosis with listening. Drawing from my complex situation, she gave me fantastic ways of thinking about my future life. I always felt supported throughout the process. I have cut down to social drinking. Drinking 85% less over the course of our sessions (these were my goals). So I have lost half a stone and feel hugely confident in my future antics. I have completely changed my actions, attitudes, letting go of unhelpful things from the past and refocusing on myself. I am now learning more Spanish each day. Exercising more and making better choices. These things have happened without effort. I feel that Jessica has made a huge difference in my life. I am looking forward to letting her know all about my continued successes. Thank you Jessica.”

khami macdonald┃physiotherapist┃homecoming


Thomas Rees┃Account Manager


Kate G┃Coach