Eliza B┃Writer

“I’ve always been curious about hypnotherapy but worried that it was the idea of a “magic pill” that attracted me and that I would be let down in the end. Anyone who has been in therapy or worked on themselves knows that that work is hard work, and what both attracted me to and made me suspicious of hypnotherapy was the idea that the hard work could be made less hard, or expedited or anything in that vein. After working with Jessica, I am so happy to confirm that it can, and somehow it doesn’t make it any less real or valuable. Jessica has enabled me to implement changes in a matter of weeks that I have struggled with for YEARS. Is it a magic pill? It is a bit of magic to be sure. I am more confident, more creative, less anxious, less people-pleasing, more tuned in to myself, happier in my work and happier in my relationships—including and even especially in my relationship to myself. It’s honestly a bit of a miracle. I can’t really explain what Jessica does in her sessions and her mp3s, or even understand it while it’s happening, but it’s as though she locates and pulls a series of hidden levers that unblock and facilitate the work or change you are trying to make. It makes her treatment just wildly efficient; I have never experienced such fast and deep progress. One thing that surprised me about Jessica is that hypnotherapy aside, she’s just an incredibly skilled therapist. She is brilliant at cutting through the bullshit, at finding and pulling up the root of a problem that you were sure began and ended with the leaf. It’s a kind of wisdom and understanding that makes every session profoundly valuable and potent.”

Eliza B┃Writer


Cat D┃Doctor


Lulu Alsabah┃Art Advisor