Roughly 25% of women struggle to reach orgasm or have never had one at all, while women who do have them only orgasm during 50-70% of sexual encounters, according to estimates but the upside of meditation for our sex lives suggests that being in tune with our bodies can improve our sense of touch – and lead to better orgasms.

Several studies have shown that women who practise meditation experience higher levels of desire and sexual function, which increases the chance of having more intense orgasms. One found that practising mindfulness improved concordance in sex – the association between arousal and genital response – for women with a history of sexual difficulties or reduced libido. Another study in 2017 detected a direct connection between meditation and sex, finding that women who meditated had higher levels of sexual function and desire. In this article I discuss in more detail how powerful meditation is for creating the conditions for a happy and healthy sex life but below you will find some extracts

"It’s about getting in the right space while having sex," says Jessica Boston, a London-based cognitive hypnotherapist who helps women overcome sex-based issues through meditation. "To be in the moment with your partner is really important, to be thinking about connection, how it feels, [and] focusing on your body’s [sensations]."

"A lot of women aren’t thinking about the right things in a sexual environment," says Boston. From overthinking the other person’s enjoyment to being anxious about body hang-ups, Boston says many women are distracted during sex. Meditation – being in the moment and focusing on a particular thought or activity – can help bring someone back into a sexy situation.

"Whenever you’re concentrating on being in the moment, that always heightens whatever it is you’re focusing on," says Boston. "When you feel pain you can manoeuvre it and make it stronger or less intense. It’s the same for pleasure. If touch is pleasure, and you’re focusing on it, you can accentuate it. It’s an exciting time for women to realise there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them," says Boston. "They’re taking the time to learn about their own bodies and where their mind needs to be in sexual situations."


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