Selfridges Brings Jessica Boston to FutureSelf

Louise Eccles from The Sunday Times talks about Selfridges x Stack Superself - Retail Therapy.

SELFRIDGES will help you discover the best version of yourself, your SUPER SELF! With new ideas, innovative well-being and sublime self-care practices aimed at making us feel good inside and out. Let’s challenge the conventional (and oft-clichéd) notions of wellness with a spirit of ‘feel-goodness’. Hypnotherapist Jessica Boston’s CREATIVE BREAKTHROUGH SESSIONS are here to explore your creativity, learn how to organise your thoughts when starting a new project and approach your routine through a creative lens. This session is designed to give you confidence and the tools you need to find clarity in the day-to-day. 


This Feeling is You is THE Go-To Meditation Album for Feeling Better


Creative Hypnosis Sessions now at Selfridges